Yummy fried bhindi that is okra with spices and gramflour.
Okra- washed and completly dried
1 teaspoon cumin seeds( jeera)
1/2 teaspoon onion seeds( kalonji)
1/4th teaspoon caraway seeds(ajwain)
1/4th teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder
1/4th teaspoon dry mango powder( amchur)
2 tablespoons gram flour roasted
1 teaspoon coriander powder
pinch of asafetida
3-4 pods of miced garlic
Salt to taste
oil-3-4 tablespoons
Roast gram flour dry first and put it aside
Now cut both the ends of okra and slit it into half vertically
Take a nonstick and add some oil let it warm add the seeds then the garlic and pinch of asafetida once it is golden add the dried spices and salt. . Once oil is blended well with the spices add the gram flour and stir it well and at last add the okra. Toss it a few times and cover the lid and let it cook for 6-7 minutes and then turn the gas off stir it and serve it with Chapati or naan.